Jul 17, 2023Liked by Tobias Mark Jensen

The metaverse is way early, but it's growing rapidly, and it hasn't slowed down a drop. But it's going to take a long time for this concept to become like the next computing paradigm or whatever.

LLMs, on the other hand, are being adopted right now, since companies believe they can make money with them.

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Yea, that's what people say, that we are still early with the metaverse. I suppose we are still early with AI companions as well. Besides, the privacy stuff I think it will require a leap for consumers, a real change of mentality, to sit down and discuss emotional problems with a chatbot, IMO not much unlike how it will require a change of mentality to put VR glasses on and spend many hours each day going to work and socializing in a VR world. I am skeptical if people are ready to embrace such changes, both when it comes to the metaverse and with AI companions, although the technology may be (almost) there.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Tobias Mark Jensen

Right on. I don't think I could have predicted a world in which 2 people can sit right next to each other, but prefer to talk to people via their smartphones instead.

The juncture of technology and society is complex and exciting, with tons of dystopian elements and plenty of promise. It's such a cool area to think about, and there's no shortage of interesting aspects to consider.

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